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Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged Pupils

Pupil Premium (PP)/Disadvantaged Pupils


Thornhill is an area of high deprivation, falling within the top 5% of the UK. Other barriers for our community may include: low incomes (top 5% of the UK), low unemployment (top 10% of the UK), income deprivation affecting children (top 5% of the UK), as well as high levels of ill-health and disability. It is with this in mind that we aim to ensure our Pupil Premium grant (PPG) goes above and beyond, meeting the needs of our community and stakeholders. Through our Pupil Premium strategy, we intend to accelerate the learning, and to diminish the difference between our PP children’s outcomes and national outcomes.


At Thornhill Primary School all staff are committed to meeting the emotional, social and academic needs of every Pupil Premium pupil by providing a secure, nurturing environment. Our ambition is for all children to develop a love of learning and to fulfil their potential. Irrespective of the children’s background or the challenges they face, our intention is that all children will make good or better progress across all subject areas.


We believe in maximising the use of the PPG by utilising a long-term strategy aligned to the Hamwic PP Strategy. Overcoming barriers to learning is at the heart of our PPG use. We use the PPG to ensure that every child receives the best quality of education and the highest possible standards. 


Our priorities:

·Ensuring high quality first teaching in every class.

·Closing the attainment gap between PP pupils and their peers (and between PP pupils and national).

·Preparing children to be successful in their future lives

·Addressing non-academic barriers to attainment, such as behaviour and attendance.

·Embedding a broad and balance curriculum that inspires our children’s love of learning.  


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024 - 2025

Pupil Premium Statement 2024

Our Pupil Premium Promise

Pupil Premium Report 2019-2020

Pupil Premium Report for 2018-19
