The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO) has the day to day responsibility to monitor and co-ordinate provision across the school for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
At Thornhill Primary School, the SENDCo is Mrs Gemma Clair. She meets regularly with parents, external agencies, class teachers, senior leaders and support staff to discuss pupil progress and review provision in place for children.
Part of the SENDCo role includes line managing the Teaching Assistants (TA) and coordinating training across the school to ensure staff have the relevant training to support all of our pupils.
If you have a concern about your child’s learning, this should be raised initially with the class teacher who will, if necessary, arrange a meeting with the SENDCo.
Further information can be found in our Local Offer (below) and on the Policy section of the website.