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School Uniform


All children are expected to wear uniform. 


Our current supplier is Brigade and logoed jumpers, cardigans, white polo shirts and white PE tops, along with bookbags are available to purchase via their website:


They also sell fleeces and wtareproof jackets.


Enter your child’s school name by selecting the school from the drop down list provided (registration will be required for first time users only). July to September is a busy time for all school uniform providers so please place any orders for uniform before 5th August for delivery in time for the new school year


Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
White blouse or white polo shirts

Bottle green cardigans or pullovers/sweatshirts
Green gingham/striped dresses in the summer

Black shoes/plain black trainers (no logo)


Grey trousers
White shirt or white polo shirts
Bottle green pullovers/sweatshirts
Grey shorts in the summer

Black shoes/plain black trainers (no logo)


PE Uniform

Our logoed White 'T' shirt or a plain White ‘T’ shirt

Black shorts

Black Tracksuit top ( or similar)

Black Tracksuit/ jogging trousers

Trainers & Socks


Swimming kit (Years 3 & 5)

Swimming costume ( one piece)


Goggles (Optional)

Swimming hat ( Optional)


All children must have a book bag that needs to be brought in every day.


Appearance and Health & Safety


Piercings :   single/ pair of small, plain stud earrings only.  No other piercings are permitted. These must be removed for all PE and swimming sessions. If your child is unable to remove their earrings, please can you send them in with tape to cover them, or alternatively send them in covered already. 


Jewellery: a watch may be worn, but no other jewellery is permitted, with the exception of medical bracelets.


Nails & makeup : false nails, nail varnish and make up are not permitted.


Hairstyles should be tidy and of a natural colour. Long hair should be fully tied back.  No extreme hairstyles are permitted e.g tramlines.





