'myHappymind' is an NHS-backed programme focused on building resilience, self-esteem and happiness in children. The programme introduces a different module each half term (Meet your brain, celebrate, appreciate, relate and engage) . The sessions are made up of class discussions followed by journalling at the end of each session. There is also a Parent App to support at home and a CPD package which supports the wellbeing of all staff in the school.
Every year group from Early Years to Year 6 has a separate version of the curriculum, with Year 6 having an additional module focussing on transition. The 'myHappymind' curriculum is grounded in scientific research and helps children to:
✓ Feel happier
✓ Know what to do when they feel worried or stressed
✓ Improve their focus and learn more
✓ Achieve more of the goals that they set for themselves
✓ Develop better relationships with friends and families
✓ Feel great about who they are and have positive self-esteem
And much, much more!
How to get involved at home
You can carry on the learning at home too. Download the Parent App to learn all about the science of Happiness and also access a range of games, songs, Happy Breathing resources and much more at home.