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Emotional health, child development and parent wellbeing

Free online training and resources for parents, carers grandparents and teens in Southampton to support emotional health and wellbeing.

Provided by Solihull Approach, they are only available to people that live in Southampton.

Please use the access code: TITANIC and enter your Southampton postcode to access the courses.

Go to 'inourplace' to access your free parenting courses:

Mental Health Group - Healthy Headspace


Venue: Thornhill Community Library

Day: Fridays

Time: 9.30am - 10.15am


An informal session on a Friday morning to encourage positive thinking.


No need to book but they encourage participants to arrive on time. They start with a coffee at 9.15 to be ready for the group to start the discussion at 9.30am.


It's a welcoming and friendly group and newcomers are always welcome.


For further info please contact: 


Astrid Vaswani

Community Minister

