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Behaviour Curriculum

Alongside our academic curriculum, all children in school also have access to the Behaviour Curriculum. This has been designed to explicitly teach the core skills and values that we feel link to our school values.


These key skills are:


* Kindness, Self-Control, Good Judgement (linked to being safe and happy individuals)


* Perseverance, Seeking Help, Concentration (linked to being successful learners)


* Commitment, Tolerance, Empathy (linked to being responsible citizens)


The Behaviour Curriculum is designed to be a graded response with children having access to more elements as necessary. All children have access to the Zones of Regulation, Restorative Practice and the first instalments of the 9 key skills noted above. If children are shown to be needing additional support to engage with the school's Behaviour Curriculum, then they will also have access to Skills Cards. 


For more information on each element of the Behaviour Curriculum, please use the menus below.
