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Relationship & Sex Education (R.S.E) - Including PSHCE

PSHE Vision

At Thornhill primary school we encourage children to learn about PSHE throughout their day to day encounters within the school and wider community. The children are aware how their actions can influence their lives and can link their experiences to the school’s core values and ethos. The children can use their own understanding of the school to become school councillors and ELSA’s to encourage unity and leadership throughout every year group.


Our focus is to ensure every pupil is aware how PSHE can affect them and create an open environment to discuss their own health and well-being with trusted adults and peers. Each half term we focus on a different core value and incorporate these within each area of the curriculum. This helps every child throughout the key stages to work towards the same goal. Every pupil in the school comes together at the end of the week to celebrate how used the core values to enhance their learning.

Overview of topics covered
